Current Topics

As of March 14, 2018, blowjobs are now considered a vital part of the global economy. Without their widespread usage, it is predicted that consumer spending would drop by 1.9 trillion dollars a day as women buy less useless shit. To reward their significance to society, congress passed a law declaring March 14th as "National Blowjob Day" to mark the importance of this act.

In recent years a new trend has developed where women are tricking men into impregnating them by offering free blowjobs. The women who utilize this method refer to it as "sperm-jacking". The slut offers a jigalo a blowjob, steals his sperm orally, and then later administers it to herself via a turkey baster or other such device. The common practice is to then sue the man for child-support once the child is birthed.

War on Blowjobs

With the coronation of the God of Light, George Bush, a War on Blowjobs was declared. According to Dubya, "If that idiot I replaced could get head in this office, then why can't I?". Following his declaration of war, elite teams of Power Rangers were dispatched to eliminate the Gore twins and Paris Hilton. To date, over 0.5 women have been infected with a secret anti-blowjob virus. To counter the effects of this, Pfizer created Viagra to help lift the spirits of men everywhere.

Recently focus has switched to the usage and application of the blowjob science to animals in the hope that this could afford cheaper IVF treatment for women using a turkey basting implement for completion. The horses and pigs are said to be particularly happy.