¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!

I want a hyper-realistic, mature Mario/LA Noire crossover, where Mario (a proficient forensic detective) is forced into a spiral of drink and drugs after Peach (his lover and coworker) was killed in a routine assignment by a deranged junky.

You play through Mario's descent into madness, as his grip on reality slackens and his behavior becomes more erratic. The game ends with Mario taking his own life, before the player finds out that Mario was that junkie that shot Peach.

Oh, and lots of dubstep.

14.09.2012 в 15:29

лучше быть, чем казаться
шикарно )
14.09.2012 в 15:32

¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
у еврогеймера няшное коммьюнити )
14.09.2012 в 15:41

лучше быть, чем казаться
Бог на мякине,
лучшее в мире :)

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