Er . . . there's a village in Nürnberg whose name means "eavesdropper" in German. Now, what did this village provide the whole world with for almost 100 consecutive Christmases?
Sean War criminals.
Stephen [chortles slightly] . . . Oh, dear.
Sean [starts revolving his arm as though roasting on a spit] You know, the old tradition of roasting a war criminal. . . . With a glass of sherry . . . "Cheers, Mr Pumblechook!"
Stephen God in heaven! Oh, Lord.
Sean Compliments of the season!
Stephen Did they . . .
Sean [German accent] "I was obeying orders!" [continues roasting on the spit while drinking deeply from a glass of sherry]
Alan [does raucous impression of angry German speech]
Stephen Good. Anybody got any--[breaks off in disbelieving laughter].
Sean A Klaus "Barbie"! [drinks from imaginary sherry glass again]
Stephen "We're having a Klaus! . . . Everybody's welcome to our winter--"