¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
The work and studies of a new generation of film scholars—most notably Timmy Brenton (age 14) and Stacy Summers (age 19)—has brought to light a number of flaws inherent in all Kurosawa films. For instance, Timmy Brenton observes that Kurosawa's films are completely devoid of “special effects, explosions, violence, or hot girls,” and instead focus on boring things like “the plot” and character development. Stacy Summers—in regards to the social commentary the pervades many Kurosawa films—has made the observation that such things are “boring” and that she'd “rather just watch The Hills.”

Японский вариант чака норриса - мифуне
но мифуне, конечно, был конченый психопат. дрался со всей съёмочной площадкой. даже сэнсея обзывал, о чём прямым текстом в комментариях к "Телохранителю".