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Many Nigerians, both in the country and overseas, were deeply offended by the film. Nigeria's Information Minister Dora Akunyili asked movie theatres around the country to either ban the film or edit out specific references to the country, because of the film's negative depiction of the Nigerian characters as criminals and cannibals. Letters of complaint were sent to the producer and distributor of the film demanding an apology. She also said the gang leader Obesandjo is almost identical in spelling and pronunciation to the surname of former president Olusegun Obasanjo. The film was later banned in Nigeria; the Nigerian Film and Video Censors Board was asked to prevent cinemas from showing the film and also to confiscate it.
Many Nigerians also accused District 9 of being xenophobic. Online petitions and Facebook groups were started called "District 9 Hates Nigerians". Hakeem Kae-Kazim, a British born Nigerian actor also criticized the portrayal of Nigerians in the film telling the Beeld newspaper Africa is a beautiful place and the problems it does have can not be shown by such a small group of people.
Many Nigerians also accused District 9 of being xenophobic. Online petitions and Facebook groups were started called "District 9 Hates Nigerians". Hakeem Kae-Kazim, a British born Nigerian actor also criticized the portrayal of Nigerians in the film telling the Beeld newspaper Africa is a beautiful place and the problems it does have can not be shown by such a small group of people.