¡Nadie espera a la Inquisición Española!
1. Mitt Romney (Who could?)
2. Not eating Cheese
3. Camels, and all camel based foods
4. Sadness or angst.
5. Horror movies or violence, unless it's toward non-Mormons (see below).
6. The Letter K (it is Satan's answer to C)
7. Furniture, they sit exclusively on milk crates (or "melk" crates, as it's correctly pronounced)
8. Cars
9. Air and Breathing (So-called "air" is Satan's answer to pure, undefiled oxygen)
10. The color green (green represents lust or envy - I'm not sure which one but both are bad!)
11. Grunting on the Toilet (Grunting implies pleasure which no one should derive from defecation)
12. Marshmallows (Though oddly use of Marshmallow Cream Is encouraged)
13. Lists of things they don't believe in (you probably don't care, do you?)
14. Non-Mormons
15. The numbers 8, 367, 987, 123, 543, 678, 473, 9665, and 221.3 and all prime numbers larger than 197
16. Ronald McDonald (Clowns are Satan's answer to pedophilic child murderers)
17. Unicorns (Because that horn is suggestive)
18. Sniffing Vaginas (Self-explanatory
19. Non-missionary sexual positions
20. Whining ("Whine" sounds like "Wine" which makes people do it with ugly people and is thereby discouraged)
21. typing in all caps or L337speak.
2. Not eating Cheese
3. Camels, and all camel based foods
4. Sadness or angst.
5. Horror movies or violence, unless it's toward non-Mormons (see below).
6. The Letter K (it is Satan's answer to C)
7. Furniture, they sit exclusively on milk crates (or "melk" crates, as it's correctly pronounced)
8. Cars
9. Air and Breathing (So-called "air" is Satan's answer to pure, undefiled oxygen)
10. The color green (green represents lust or envy - I'm not sure which one but both are bad!)
11. Grunting on the Toilet (Grunting implies pleasure which no one should derive from defecation)
12. Marshmallows (Though oddly use of Marshmallow Cream Is encouraged)
13. Lists of things they don't believe in (you probably don't care, do you?)
14. Non-Mormons
15. The numbers 8, 367, 987, 123, 543, 678, 473, 9665, and 221.3 and all prime numbers larger than 197
16. Ronald McDonald (Clowns are Satan's answer to pedophilic child murderers)
17. Unicorns (Because that horn is suggestive)
18. Sniffing Vaginas (Self-explanatory
19. Non-missionary sexual positions
20. Whining ("Whine" sounds like "Wine" which makes people do it with ugly people and is thereby discouraged)
21. typing in all caps or L337speak.
наверное, включу его в курсовую